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New Cold Coffee Recipe! Our Peaberry Shakerato

Cold Coffee Recipe

New Cold Coffee Recipe! Our Peaberry Shakerato is for cold coffee lovers who want to add a little flair to their cold coffee routine with JBC’s version of a Shakerato. Using flash chilled coffee (instead of the espresso that is typically used in a Shakerato), this is a versatile drink that can easily be made at home with pour over equipment (or even with a home coffee brewer-just add your hot coffee to ice after brewing). It’s summery and berry-forward with lovely notes of raspberry, cherry and sweet grapefruit. Enjoy!


130g Flash Chilled Pour Over of Nsoga Iwezya Tanzania Peaberry

(Check out our flash chilled recipe)

30g Raspberries, Muddled

10g Honey

10g Grapefruit Juice

20g Ginger Ale


Add ingredients together

Shake until foamy

Double strain into coupe glass

*Find other recipes for pour overs, drip coffee, french press etc at our brew guide section online.

Learn more about JBC, five time Good Food Award winners and named one of the best coffee roasters in the nation by Forbes and Gear Patrol with over 340 90 plus rated coffees at the Coffee Review.  Our Wilton Benitez Pink Bourbon was just named the number one coffee in the world in 2023 at the Coffee Review and received national acclaim. The Chicago Tribune called JBC one of Wisconsin’s standout roasters and the Daily Meal said our espresso will elevate your mornings. We are focused on quality-driven, sustainable coffees.

Unparalleled quality, a human story, and sustainability – that’s our coffee philosophy.

  • Unparalleled quality. We won’t buy a coffee unless we know that it will inspire you.
  • A human story. Often times a producer’s story gets lost in the coffee supply chain. It’s our focus to provide a seed to cup experience, honoring everyone involved.
  • Sustainability. We purchase sustainable coffees directly from producers and through brokers who share our goal of making coffee a sustainable commodity. Financially and environmentally, the coffees we purchase seek balance.