Free Shipping on Orders of 3 bags or more with code FREESHIP (U.S. ORDERS ONLY)
Saturday, Sept 21
10 am-12:30 pm
Tickets: $30
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Our once-a-month cupping (coffee tasting) is a wonderful opportunity to try new offerings coming to our lineup, learn about the cupping process, and expand your palate. We will kick off the event with a coffee presentation and then dive right in to tasting several coffees here at JBC. Stick around at the end for a Q&A on all things coffee!
Saturday, October 19
10 am-12:30 pm
Tickets: $30
Buy tickets:
Our once-a-month cupping (coffee tasting) is a wonderful opportunity to try new offerings coming to our lineup, learn about the cupping process, and expand your palate. We will kick off the event with a coffee presentation that details how coffee is grown, processed and ends up in your cup and then dive right in to cupping several coffees here at JBC. Stick around at the end for any additional questions you have!
Saturday, Nov 16
10 am-12:30 pm
Tickets: $30
Buy tickets:
Our once-a-month cupping (coffee tasting) is a wonderful opportunity to try new offerings coming to our lineup, learn about the cupping process, and expand your palate. We will kick off the event with a coffee presentation and then dive right in to tasting several coffees here at JBC. Stick around at the end for a Q&A on all things coffee!
Hours (CST): Mon 8 am-430 pm, Tues 130 pm-430 pm, Wed 8 am-430 pm, Thurs 8 am-430 pm, Fri 130 pm-430 pm. Curbside pick up is available during business hours by phone 608.256.5282.