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New Coffee! La Candelilla Geisha Natural

A natural process geisha coffee and another coffee that is simply too good to miss! We are so excited to welcome back La Candelilla Geisha Natural. It’s a geisha (check), a fruit-forward natural process (check), and bursting with flavor. Our cupping notes for this coffee were filled with a plethora of different fruit and floral notes including jammy orange, hibiscus tea, vanilla custard, honey, lemon, and lavender. It’s complex, sparkling, and rich (not to mention a great price for a geisha). We highly recommend grabbing a bag today while supplies last.

Coffee Story. La Candelilla was one of the very first micromills established in the popular coffee-growing region of Tarrazú in Costa Rica. It’s a collaboratively owned micromill, established by seven smallholder producers who share ownership. This particular lot is a natural process coffee from one of the founders of the mill, Ricardo Hernandez Naranjo, who was among the first to suggest to his farmer mates that they should start the “mini beneficio.”Don Ricardo has been growing coffee for 32 years, and is dedicated to quality and sustainability, as are many of the producers who utilize La Candelilla.

Learn more about JBC, five time Good Food Award winners and named one of the best coffee roasters in the nation by Forbes and Gear Patrol with over 340 90 plus rated coffees at the Coffee Review. The Chicago Tribune called JBC one of Wisconsin’s standout roasters and the Daily Meal said our espresso will elevate your mornings. We are focused on quality-driven, sustainable coffees.

Unparalleled quality, a human story, and sustainability – that’s our coffee philosophy.

  • Unparalleled quality. We won’t buy a coffee unless we know that it will inspire you.
  • A human story. Often times a producer’s story gets lost in the coffee supply chain. It’s our focus to provide a seed to cup experience, honoring everyone involved.
  • Sustainability. We purchase sustainable coffees directly from producers and through brokers who share our goal of making coffee a sustainable commodity. Financially and environmentally, the coffees we purchase seek balance.