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New Coffee! Huye Mountain Rwanda

best Rwandan coffee

Introducing our new Huye Mountain Rwanda. This Red Bourbon single varietal is thick and sparkling with tasting notes of strawberry blossom, marzipan, black tea, and tangerine zest. Bourbon coffees are well known for their buttery sweetness and complex fruit notes. This new offering exemplifies all that is special about this classic varietal and also this esteemed growing region. We highly recommend snagging a bag today!

Huye Mountain Coffee is a private washing station established in 2011 by David Rubanzangabo and Tim Schilling to provide farmers with access to international markets and connect them with specialty coffee buyers. Their dedication to farmers and emphasis on community and quality has resulted in complex, fruit-forward coffees. Over 1,300 producers deliver ripe coffee cherries to 26 collecting stations in the Huye District. Coffee is grown on small farms with altitudes ranging from 1600 to 2200 meters. Once the coffee cherry is collected it is depulped, fermented, washed, and dried on raised beds for 14 to 18 days (depending on weather.)

Learn more about JBC, five time Good Food Award winners and named one of the best coffee roasters in the nation by Forbes and Gear Patrol with over 320 90 plus rated coffees at the Coffee Review. The Chicago Tribune called JBC one of Wisconsin’s standout roasters and the Daily Meal said our espresso will elevate your mornings.