Blossom Blend is Back!
Drink award-winning coffee while raising money for a worthy organization? Yes please! We’re proud to bring back
Blossom Blend and to announce that our first Blossom partner organization for 2023 is Operation Fresh Start. From Jan 6 to Jan 20, 50% of all proceeds from Blossom Blend sales at will go to directly to Operation Fresh Start.
About Blossom Blend. This quarter’s Blossom Blend is a blend of our Homacho Waeno Ethiopia and El Triunfo Mexico. Slick and round, Blossom blend boasts tasting notes of apple crisp, lemon zest, and candied almond. It’s seriously delicious and the perfect cup to cozy up to this winter.
Operation Fresh Start (OFS): Since 1970, Operation Fresh Start has empowered more than 8,000 emerging adults to find a pathway to a family-sustaining career. OFS programs are designed for a critical time in life: the transition to adulthood. They provide a path forward for emerging adults through mentoring, education, and employment training. OFS graduates earn their high school diploma, driver’s license, certifications in the construction and conservation fields, and gain college/career readiness skills. Participants are also giving back to the community — building affordable homes for low-income families, completing conservation projects and environmental justice work in city and county parks. After program completion, OFS staff continue to support graduates as they transition into post-secondary education and/or self-sustaining employment.