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30th Anniversary Party & Throwdown


It’s a coffee party! Calling all coffee lovers, party goers, baristas, and friends in the Midwest area. We’re throwing a 30th Anniversary Party & Throwdown and would love for you to join us.



Friday Sept 6. Doors open @ 530 pm, Throwdown starts @ 7pm

Where: JBC Coffee Roasters-5821 Femrite Drive in Madison WI

$10 Buy-In for Competitors, Free for Party-Goers/Attendants


Fun Stuff:

✨️90s Themed Costume Party. Prize for Best Costume!

Falafels and Mediterranean Food Available for Purchase from Banzo’s Food Truck. Come Early and Grab Dinner!

Cool Mode Ice Cream Truck

Free Coffee Cocktails & Adult Beverages from Untitled Art

A Temporary Tattoo Station & Merch Table


Prizes for Competitors:

1st Place: $500

2nd Place: A Baratza Virtuoso Grinder + Coffee + Fun Merch

3rd Place: Coffee + Fun Merch




La Marzocco

Acaia Coffee

Untitled Art

Barista Magazine

Sassy Cow Creamery

Learn more about JBC, five time Good Food Award winners and named one of the best coffee roasters in the nation by Forbes and Gear Patrol with over 340 90 plus rated coffees at the Coffee Review. The Chicago Tribune called JBC one of Wisconsin’s standout roasters and the Daily Meal said our espresso will elevate your mornings. We are focused on quality-driven, sustainable coffees.

Unparalleled quality, a human story, and sustainability – that’s our coffee philosophy.

  • Unparalleled quality. We won’t buy a coffee unless we know that it will inspire you.
  • A human story. Often times a producer’s story gets lost in the coffee supply chain. It’s our focus to provide a seed to cup experience, honoring everyone involved.
  • Sustainability. We purchase sustainable coffees directly from producers and through brokers who share our goal of making coffee a sustainable commodity. Financially and environmentally, the coffees we purchase seek balance.