
El Faldon

Apricot. Elderberry. Lilac Wine. Honey.
$25.00 / 12oz
Coffee Review
Body: Jammy
Acidity: Juicy
Producer: Arnulfo Leguizamo & Family
Variety: Caturra
Growing Elevation: 1840 Meters
Processing: Washed. Dried on Raised Beds.
Certifications: Microlot
Region: San Agustin. Huila. Colombia.

Colombia is killing it this year with so many amazing offerings! Did we need another Colombia lot? Nope. Could we possibly pass on this juicy, jammy, and winey Caturra offering? Not a chance. It’s a stunner. We tasted apricot, elderberry, lilac wine, and honey. It’s everything we love about a sweet and floral offering from Colombia with an extra wine-like kick. We know we keep saying it, but we really do highly recommend this coffee!

This lovely coffee is grown by Arnulfo Leguizamo and his son Diego at Finca El Faldon in Huila, Colombia. A member of Asociacion Los Naranjos, Arnulfo is a respected leader in his community known for supporting his fellow farmers in their efforts to improve their quality. He won Colombia’s Cup of Excellence in 2011 and commandeered a then unprecedented price for his special coffee at $45/lb. He continues today to be a hard-working and generous producer who is currently training his son Diego to continue this tradition onward as a multigenerational coffee farming family. 


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